
If you would like to join our team, vacancies will be advertised on our social media accounts with links and information on the application process.

I gained invaluable and wide ranging experience from my time working as a Pharmacist as part of the dynamic, motivated team in Gormley Pharmacy.
Here I learned the importance of delivering specialised care in a compassionate manner and gained skills in effective interprofessional communication.
I would not be the Pharmacist I am today without the guidance and support of Gormley Pharmacy.

Peter, Pharmacist

I did my pre-reg year with Gormley Pharmacy in 2017/18. It was a brilliant place to learn with the different services they offer to the public. I not only got the support of learning from my tutor, but also from all the staff. I know I’ll always be welcomed by the Gormley family and I will have their support throughout my career.

Catherine, Pre Registration Student

I loved working in Gormleys, The team were so friendly, welcoming and helpful -You’re guaranteed to make lifelong friends! Being in such a residential area, patients and customers really rely on this local pharmacy and use it for such a wide variety of reasons, resulting in you getting great experience in lots of different areas from stoma care to cholesterol checks. It is an excellent, supportive environment to start your pharmacy career and I can’t recommend it enough.

Clare, Pharmacist